NFC Info  

Recommended Android Apps

Install these from your computer and your Android phone will automatically download it!

If using an Android device, click "install" from your computer and your phone will automatically install it!
*Check your notification bar or your Play Store app if the app didn’t automatically install

How to Read/Write Tags

In order to write to NFC tags, you will first have to download an NFC app. We recommend NFC TagWriter by NXP or NFC Basic. Both are available for free in the Android Play Store.

Open your NFC writer app of choice and pick the desired function. Follow the on screen prompts within the app and hold the NFC tag no further than 4cm away from the device writing to the tag.

If the tag is not reading or writing, make sure NFC is enabled on your device (Stystem Settings -> Wireless & Networks -> More... -> NFC)

Troubleshooting Your Tags

If you are having trouble writing to your tags, please download NFC TagInfo from the android market and follow the on screen instructions to scan a tag with this app.

First, verify the tag is NDEF formatted
by clicking "Tag Information". Underneath "Target technology classes" you should see something like ""

Verify the tag's memory size
It's important you make sure you have the right size tag for the job. Mifare Ultralight is the smallest NFC tag we offer. If you are having trouble writing to this tag, it may be because the message you are trying to write is too large for the tag. You can verify the byte size of your message on It is important to remember the formatting will take up some space as well. To determine which tag is best for you, please check our size chart below.

Mifare Ultralight
Writable Space: ≈46 bytes

Writable Space: ≈137 bytes

Mifare Ultralight C
Writable Space: ≈137 bytes

Mifare Classic 1K
Writable Space: ≈716 bytes

Mifare Classic 4K
Writable Space: ≈3,584 bytes

Note: ≈ is a mathematical symbol for approximation; is approximately equal to

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