QR Codes

Custom QR Codes

Short for Quick Response Code, QR codes are barcodes that can be scanned and interpreted by most smart phones. Once scanned in by a mobile device, these codes can be interpreted to Open a Web Page, Send an SMS message, Call a Phone Number, or simply display a message.

QR Codes are typically seen in black and white, but if you would like to customize QR Codes for your company, we also provide QR Code customization (as shown above). With this we can change the colors, add depth and potentially include your logo.

Web Evolved provides QR Codes and QR Code Management for all types of business/group marketing. We can also incorporate these into any of our print or web designs. If you would like to start using QR Codes for your company Contact Us to get started Today!

Always trying to stay on the edge of current trends? Be sure to learn more about NFC Tags and how they can benefit your business even more!

To read the QR Code above, download the FREE Barcode Scanner app on any iPhone or Android phone and focus the viewfinder on the barcode.