Buy NFC Tags for your Nexus 4 NFC

Nov 19, 2012 at 1:20 PM
1 decade ago

If you were lucky enough to get ahold of a Nexus 4 and are looking to buy some NFC tags, you may want to double check the NFC chip in your tags before purchasing. Like most Android phones coming to the market, the Nexus 4 has NFC functionality. However, due to both software and hardware updates, both the Nexus 4 and the Nexus 10 will not support Mifare Classic tags.

If you're looking to buy some NFC tags for your Nexus 4 or 10, our Mifare Ultralight and Mifare Ultralight C tags are NFC Forum Compliant, Type 2 tags.

Google Nexus 4 Phone

Nexus 4 & 10 Compatible NFC Tags:



For more information, click here.

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